Category: Cardiology


What is Cardiology?

Cardiology is a specialty branch of medicine dedicated to the treatment and prevention of heart disease. Cardiologists help patients learn how to manage heart disease

Non-Invasive Vascular Studies

Non-Invasive Vascular Studies

Non-invasive vascular studies are tests used to diagnose cardiovascular and circulatory conditions. Unlike some other types of vascular tests, non-invasive vascular studies are free of

Peripheral Vascular Intervention

Peripheral Vascular Intervention

Peripheral vascular disease involves blockages affecting the body’s lower extremities. These types of obstructions can cause serious circulatory complications – some of which can become


Exercise and Pharmacological Stress Testing

Exercise and pharmacological stress testing are diagnostic procedures used to monitor or diagnose certain cardiovascular conditions, such a patient’s risk of suffering a heart attack.



Echocardiography – also referred to as an echocardiogram – is a medical procedure used to measure the size and shape of the heart, as monitor

Anticoagulation Management

Anticoagulation Management

Anticoagulation management is the use of medications to prevent the blood from forming clots – especially among patients who suffer from circulatory conditions or who