Category: Pediatric Pulmonolgy

Pediatric Pulmonolgy

Congenital Respiratory Tract Abnormalities

Congenital respiratory tract abnormalities are malformations within the upper or lower respiratory tract that were present at birth. Though considered rare, most children with these

Pediatric Pulmonolgy

Chronic Lung Disease

Chronic lung disease is a term broadly used to describe ongoing lung diseases and disorders in children. Though many chronic lung diseases are manageable with

Pediatric Pulmonolgy

Chronic Cough

Imagine your kindergartener comes down with a cough, perhaps accompanied by other cold-like symptoms like fever or congestion. Most of the symptoms resolve on their

Pediatric Pulmonolgy

Central Hypoventilation

Central Hypoventilation Syndrome is a rare condition in which a child’s autonomous nervous system fails to regulate involuntary breathing. A child with central hypoventilation syndrome

Pediatric Pulmonolgy


Bronchiectasis is a condition in which mucus accumulation causes respiratory blockage, leading to stretching and enlargement of the airways. This can lead to a bacterial

Pediatric Pulmonolgy


Asthma is a common disease among children that causes coughing, wheezing and labored breathing. Asthma attacks can be quite frightening for a child – especially