Category: OBGYN



Gynecology is a fantastic field of medical science – it dives into the ins and outs of the woman’s body, and works with the intricate,


Food Safety in Pregnancy

Moms-to-be have to be careful about what they eat, how the food is prepared, and how those illnesses will affect their child’s development. If you


Cord Blood Banking

For stem cell research, stem cells can be isolated from the body in multiple ways, and for pregnant women, they can donate their placenta for



Contraception is a term that refers to the various methods of birth control available to men and women today. The range of contraceptive options can


Cervical Cancer

One of the forms of cancer unique to female-bodied patients is cervical cancer, affecting the portion of the uterus where it transitions to the vagina.


Cancer Screening

One of the most important parts of cancer prevention is receiving regular screenings.  These tests take steps to identify this tragic disease in its pre-cancerous


Breast Lumps

Finding a breast mass can be a deeply concerning moment, bringing with it worries about breast cancer, related expenses, and the battle ahead. While most


Annual Exam

Seeing your gynecologist for an annual exam is an important part of women’s preventative health care.  When you make annual exams a standard part of


Abnormal Bleeding

What is Abnormal Bleeding? Also known as uterine bleeding, abnormal vaginal bleeding refers to any release of blood that occurs outside your menstrual period often


Incisionless Single Site Hysterectomy

Many women undergo hysterectomies every year to remove part or all of their reproductive organs. The reasons vary from uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, and